JPYS is a volunteer-run organization, and we need volunteers to make the program work. If you want to be involved, please let us know! Parent volunteers are at the heart of the program, but we also seek volunteers from the community, including high school, college students, and recent graduates who love the game and want to get involved. We do have some stipends available for community coaches who are interested and we can provide proof of volunteer activity for anyone who needs it. Note that all adult volunteers must be registered with the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association, which includes clearing a CORI background check. More information about credential requirements for JPYS volunteers can be found here.
On the Field
Our biggest need for volunteers is for coaches and assistant coaches at all levels.
Academy (U8)
Starting at the Academy (grade 1-2) level, volunteers need enthusiasm but little to no soccer knowledge to be Activity Leaders. The JPYS Academy leadership will provide training and a week-by-week curriculum, as well as direction in the culture and expectations of JPYS and the Academy. If you are interested in helping out with the Academy, email us at academy@jpyouthsoccer.org
Campeones (U10)
Coach: Able to be there 3 times a week most of the time; participates in coach training sessions; plans practices & runs practice activities
Assistant Coach: Commits to be there at least once a week; participates in coach training sessions; assists in planning a practice each week; helps run activities during practice.
View Campeones Coach Responsibilities
Game day coach: Helps organize players on the field; focuses any subs on the sideline
Team Manager: communicates with team about expectations & game times; may step in as an assistant or game day coach as needed
Field Crew: Sets up the field either for practice or game day to allow for coaches to attend training sessions or get teams warmed up & ready for games
Field Group Parent: communicates with the team about expectations & game times; may step in as an assistant coach as needed; supports coaches during activities to help all players engage and get what they need.
If you are interested in helping out with Campeones, email us at campeones@jpyouthsoccer.org.
Travel Teams (Grades 4-8)
Coach: Able to be there 3 times a week most of the time; participates in coach training sessions; plans practices & runs practice activities; creates line ups for games
Assistant Coach: Commits to be there at least once a week; participates in coach training sessions; assists in planning a practice each week; helps run activities during practice; can assist in line ups; focuses any subs on the sideline to watch the game
Team Manager: communicates with the team about expectations & game times; may step in as an assistant coach as needed; communicates with BAYS regarding schedule changes, etc. Can help to take care of non-soccer issues: attendance, snacks, carpool organizing, and the like.
Field crew: attends practices to help as needed either with working with a small group, set up field for next activity; no planning obligation
If you are interested in coaching at this level please contact either the Girls Travel Director, Peter Staab, or the Boys Travel Director, Jerry DeMaio, as appropriate.
If coaching is not your thing, we can always use help in other areas. The Board has a number of committees that help develop plans and programs for JPYS, and institute the day-to-day operations of the organization in areas outside of playing soccer. Non-board members are encouraged to volunteer for these committees, which include:
Fields and Scheduling
Health and Safety
Business, finance, and budgeting
Equipment and Uniforms
Field Maintenance
Registration and Communication (including website and social media)
If you have a particular expertise in one of these areas that you can provide, or if you just want to be involved, please email us at info@jpyouthsoccer.org
Board Members
The JPYS Board sets the direction of the program. The Board is all-volunteer and occasionally needs to take on new members as current Board members move on or their children age out of the program. Being a Board member is a rewarding experience that can make a significant impact in the lives of many children and their families. Board members frequently come out of our coaching and volunteer ranks, but anyone who is committed and willing to put in the time and effort is welcome to be considered. If you are interested, please email us at board@jpyouthsoccer.org or talk to any of our current Board members.